Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Tugas 7

a. Apa yang dimaksud dengan suku kata?
b. Adakah pengaruh suku kata dalam comparative?
c. Jelaskan alasannya dan berikan contohnya

a. Syllable is a combination of letters that can be pronounced.
b. 1. One syllable adjective ending in a silent 'e' — nice Comparative — add 'r' — nicer
    2. One syllable adjective ending in one vowel and one consonant — big Comparative — the consonant is doubled and 'er' is added —bigger
    3. One syllable adjective ending in more than one consonant or more than a vowel — high, cheap Comparative — 'er' is added — higher, cheaper
    4. A two syllable adjective ending in 'y' — happy Comparative — 'y' becomes 'i' and 'er' is added — happier
    5. Tow syllable or more adjectives without 'y' at the end — exciting Comparative — more + the adjective + than — more exciting than

c. Because the letter or combination of letters arranged into sentence. Example: He is more handsome than his brother.

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